For several years the members of ON THE GATE, LLC researched what was desperately needed to stop personnel in Jail and Detention Facilities from getting assaulted by violent inmates through those dangerous antiquated cell door food slots.
The culmination of years of listening to suggestions and recommendations from our men and women who work in today's Jails, Prisons, Military Briggs, and Detentions Facilities, along with the testing of various designs resulted in the development of the Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System.
By replacing these common cell door food slots with a Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System, violent cell door food slot assaults against Staff and Personnel standing outside the cell are virtually eliminated.
With the Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System, there's no need to get a new cell door because the Anti-Splash System was developed to easily and quickly mount to existing cell door food slots. Retrofitting an existing cell door food slot with a Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System usually takes less than 45 minutes using simple tools such as a drill, tap, hammer, and screwdriver.
We also offer to our Clients our Professional Installation of the Patented Anti-Splash System. All installations are performed by our highly trained and skilled technicians, and all work is covered by our warranty. Ask us for details regarding the Professional Installation of the Patented Anti-Splash System into your Facility.
We'll supply you with a written Price Quote for the Patented Anti-Splash System, and answer any questions you may have. We'll also send Product information showing all the benefits the Patented Anti-Splash System will bring to your Facility.
The “Patented High-Security Anti- Splash System“ is highly effective in stopping the transmission of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) by isolating Staff from direct contact with inmates /prisoners; be it physical contact or aerosol droplet contamination.
The close population quarters inherent in your Jail / Prison system present a clear and ongoing high risk of infection to our Correctional Staff and the prisoner population. Correction personnel and prisoners arc at especially high risk of infection due to the close confinement in your Jail /Prison system that is nothing short of a giant petri dish environment.
Time is extremely critical regarding this sinister outbreak of the coronavirus, and the final outcome is still unknown. By employing the “Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System'’ in your Jail / Prison system to protect our Correction Staff and prisoner population from the infestation of the coronavirus (and other infectious diseases), is a positive action you can take to defeat this insidious plague in your Jails and Prisons.