(718) 730-0058

High Security Anti-Splash System

Unique Features

  • Constructed with highly tough and corrosion resistant 301 Stainless Steel, and Super strong clear Polycarbonate.
  • Incorporates a fully removable Clear Lexan / Stainless Steel High-Security Box system that is fully interchangeable, and transferable from one cell to another cell that incorporates the Anti-Splash System Frame.
  • The design features a "Quick Attach/Detach" Anti-Splash Box to Frame mating system. The Lexan (Polycarbonate) Box now incorporates a handle for ease of attachment and removal from the Anti-Splash System Frame.
  • There is a major increase in the usable interior space of the Anti-Splash System Box without a major increase in footprint size. This usable interior space greatly increases the functionality and versatility of the Anti-Splash System unit allowing for easy passing of insulated food trays and other large items through the cell door food slot.
  • The Frame that attaches to the cell door incorporates a "High Security - Anti Tamper" Vertical Automatic Self-Rising Sliding Door (Patented Reisen-Door) & Locking System appropriate for high-security inmate/detainee environments.
  • A new positive "Frame to Box Mating System" creates a snug seal to minimize any gaps between the Frame and Box. This prevents the splashing of liquids.
  • The Anti-Splash System features an Extremely Strong, batter resistant Polycarbonate (Lexan) Clear Shell enabling personnel outside the cell to have an unobstructed view (280 Degrees) inside the Anti-Splash Box interior. It's a known fact to Law Enforcement and Correction Personnel: "The more you can see the safer you'll be!"
  • The Anti-Splash System features the only Vertically automatically opening self-rising stainless-steel sliding door (Reisen-Door) which travels only 1/3 the distance to fully open or close as compared to some competitors. This one-of-a-kind automatic self-rising door enables one-handed operation by Staff while holding a food tray or other items in the other hand.
  • Installing the Anti-Splash System on a General Population cell door now turns that cell into a multi-classification housing cell now appropriate to house many different inmate classifications such as: 
    • Protective Custody
    • Administrative Segregation
    • Punitive Segregation
    • Mental Observation
    • Medical Isolation
    • General Population
    • and more...
  • Compliant with the “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA) Standards.

The Removable Anti-Splash Box

The Anti-Splash System incorporates a fully removable High-Security Box, that is fully interchangeable and transferable from one cell door to another cell door that incorporates the Anti-Splash System Frame.

Constructed with Super-Strong Clear (Polycarbonate), that gives a full 280 Degree view inside the Box, the Anti-Splash Box now incorporates 2 handles for ease of attachment and removal from the Anti-Splash Frame.

Request a Quote

We'll supply you with a written Price Quote for the Patented Anti-Splash System, and answer any questions you may have. We'll also send Product information showing all the benefits the Patented Anti-Splash System will bring to your Facility.
