(718) 730-0058

Jail Is No Joke!

In Numerous Jails, Prisons, and Detention Centers throughout the United States the Patented Anti-Splash System is used to protect personnel from violent inmate assaults, and the highly contagious Coronavirus while saving Administrators money.

So, What Exactly is the Patented High Security Anti-Splash System anyway?

Enhance your experience by listening to all of the Benefits of our Patented Anti-Splash System

Introducing Our High Security Patented Anti-Splash System

For decades we've strived to protect our Law Enforcement Personnel by providing Police Officers with Body Armor and Bullet Proof Vests, Military Personnel with Flak Jackets, and Defensive Equipment, but when It came to our Correction Personnel working in some of the most dangerous Jails, Prisons, Military Briggs, and Detention Facilities in the world, we basically armed them with little more than a set of keys, a radio, and their wits to deal with some of the most violent and dangerous people on earth.

It's time we gave our Correction Personnel the protection they most desperately need and deserve to stay safe in our Jails, Prisons, and Detention Centers. That's why the company ON THE GATE, LLC has developed the Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System, to accomplish this goal of protecting our Correction and Military Personnel.

Allows for safe cuffing of violent and unruly inmates with minimal staff contact.
Reduces overtime costs to replace injured staff resulting from assault incidents.
Reduces costs for medical treatment for both staff and inmates.
Reduces costs in defending frivolous lawsuits initiated by inmates claiming injuries, rights violations against staff, administrators, and municipalities.
Reduces costs in expensive investigations of assault incidents.
Aids in stopping the spread of Viruses and other Contagious Diseases.
Compliant with the “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA) Standards.

Years Of Research & Development Along With Listening To Our Personnel In The Field.

For several years the members of ON THE GATE, LLC researched what was desperately needed to stop personnel in Jail and Detention Facilities from getting assaulted by violent inmates through those dangerous antiquated cell door food slots.

The culmination of years of listening to suggestions and recommendations from our men and women who work in today's Jails, Prisons, Military Briggs, and Detentions Facilities, along with the testing of various designs resulted in the development of the Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System.

By replacing these common cell door food slots with a Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System, violent cell door food slot assaults against Staff and Personnel standing outside the cell are virtually eliminated.

With the Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System, there's no need to get a new cell door because the Anti-Splash System was developed to easily and quickly mount to existing cell door food slots. Retrofitting an existing cell door food slot with a Patented High-Security Anti-Splash System usually takes less than 45 minutes using simple tools such as a drill, tap, hammer, and screwdriver.

Patented Anti-Splash System

There's No Need To Wait!

We'll supply you with a written Price Quote for the Patented Anti-Splash System, and answer any questions you may have. We'll also send Product information showing all the benefits the Patented Anti-Splash System will bring to your Facility.
